Pixel Icon

Semantic vector graphics. Convert from package @mekari/pixel-icon. Before use icons, you need to install @ant-design/icons package:

npm install --save @ant-design/icons


From Mekari Pixel page

When To Use#

when you need the icon in Mekari Pixel Icon on react js

List of icons#


  • done
  • error
  • help
  • info
  • pending
  • progress
  • warning-circular
  • warning-triangle


  • arrows-down
  • arrows-left
  • arrows-right
  • arrows-up
  • caret-down
  • caret-right
  • caret-up
  • chevrons-down
  • chevrons-forward
  • chevrons-left
  • chevrons-previous
  • chevrons-right
  • chevrons-up


  • account-mapping
  • add-ons
  • application
  • assets
  • bank
  • billing
  • briefcase
  • broadcast
  • calculator
  • cart
  • cash-in
  • cash-out
  • categories
  • certificate
  • channel
  • chart-of-account
  • chat
  • comment
  • commuting
  • company
  • connected apps
  • contact
  • dashboard
  • document-sent
  • draft
  • education
  • employee
  • employment
  • envelope
  • esignature
  • expenses
  • filter
  • finance
  • flag
  • home
  • hospital
  • inbox
  • lifestyle
  • like
  • location
  • log
  • mekari pay
  • migrate
  • mobile
  • mobile-postpaid
  • notification
  • overtime
  • password
  • payroll
  • payslip
  • people
  • performance
  • phone
  • pipeline
  • place-fields
  • plans
  • play-video
  • products
  • profile
  • promo
  • protection
  • reimbursement
  • reports
  • roles
  • sales
  • schedule
  • security
  • sent
  • share
  • stock-available
  • stock-bulk-update-sku
  • stock-out-of-stock
  • stock-running-out
  • team
  • tips
  • today
  • transfer
  • voucher
  • warehouse
  • wifi

Files Documents

  • blank
  • copy
  • doc
  • excel-document
  • folder-close
  • folder-open
  • id-card
  • img
  • pdf
  • word-document
  • zip

Interface Essentials

  • add-circular
  • approval-rules
  • attachment
  • calendar
  • camera
  • checkbox-checklist
  • checkbox-partial
  • delete
  • download
  • edit
  • empty
  • fallback
  • fingerprint
  • help-centre
  • hide
  • minus-circular
  • newtab
  • paint-bucket
  • pin
  • redo
  • refresh
  • search
  • settings
  • show
  • sign-in
  • sign-out
  • table-view-column
  • table-view-field
  • table-view-filter
  • table-view-list
  • table-view-sort
  • task-done
  • task-on progress
  • task-to do
  • time
  • undo
  • upload
  • verified


  • Axis
  • DJP
  • Google
  • Gopay
  • Indosat
  • OVO
  • PLN-Token
  • PLN
  • Shopeepay
  • Smartfren
  • Telkomsel
  • Tri
  • WhatsApp
  • XL
  • chat-black
  • chat-brand
  • flex-black
  • flex-brand
  • jurnal-black
  • jurnal-brand
  • klikpajak-black
  • klikpajak-brand
  • mekari-black
  • mekari-brand
  • pay-black
  • pay-brand
  • sign-brand
  • talenta-black
  • talenta-brand

Other Icons

  • accordion-collapse
  • accordion-expand
  • apply-all
  • burger
  • check
  • close
  • crop
  • drag
  • fit-screen
  • indicator-circle
  • indicator-square
  • link
  • loader-
  • menu-kebab
  • menu-meatball
  • reset
  • shortcuts
  • sliders
  • sort-ascending
  • sort-default
  • sort-descending


Basic Icon

expand codeexpand code
import { PixelIcon, Space } from 'antd';

    <PixelIcon icon="settings" />
    <PixelIcon icon="settings" variant="fill" />
    <PixelIcon icon="settings" variant="duotone" />

You can customize the css style of the icon such as font-size, color and others. color on style attribute only work on icon with variant outline

expand codeexpand code
import { PixelIcon,Space } from 'antd';

  <Space align="center">
    <PixelIcon icon="settings" style={{color:'red',fontSize:'64px'}} /> 
    <PixelIcon icon="settings" style={{fontSize:'32px'}} variant="fill" /> 
    <PixelIcon icon="settings" style={{fontSize:'48px'}} variant="duotone" />
, mountNode);


expand codeexpand code
import { PixelIcon,Space } from 'antd';

    <PixelIcon icon="settings" spin /> 
    <PixelIcon icon="settings" spin variant="fill" /> 
    <PixelIcon icon="settings" spin variant="duotone" />
, mountNode);

Apart from using fontSize in the style attribute, you can also set the icon size with the size attribute. Note: if an icon contains style and size attributes, then what will be read is the value for the size attribute.

expand codeexpand code
import { PixelIcon, Space } from 'antd';

    <PixelIcon icon="settings" size={64} />
    <PixelIcon icon="settings" size={128} variant="fill" />
    <PixelIcon icon="settings" size={32} style={{ fontSize: 256 }} variant="duotone" />


<PixelIcon icon="billing" />
iconicon namestring-
varianticon variantoutline | filled | duotoneoutline
rotateRotate degrees (not working in IE9)number-
spinRotate icon with animationbooleanfalse
styleThe style properties of icon, like fontSize and colorCSSProperties-
sizeicon sizenumber-1.2.3